Why Jesus is in the spirit of the times

corcovado-498958_1920Jesus is one of the few biblical figures likely to gather believers from different faiths and even non-believers. Muslims hold him as a key prophet and he is a significant character in the Quran. Not to mention that Jesus was a Jew, attended synagogues and referred to the Jewish scriptures from the Bible. Jesus was naturally not a Christian, yet he is the backbone of Christianity. Lastly, Christmas is celebrated almost all over the world, even by agnostics and atheists.


A realistic portrait of Jesus

A picture recently re-surfaced which should be an accurate portrait of Jesus created by British scientists and Israeli archeologists. Far from the face features that have been conveyed by artists for centuries, this facts-based representation is probably closer to the real Jesus. He would be the man you cross on the street today and most-likely ignore or find suspicious-looking. He is not the man you would find attractive or urbane. Exactly why this Jesus is perhaps more relevant to the Gospels. His face may be ordinary, he may look like a backwoodsman but his message still sounds very contemporary to me.

Here are five reasons why I think Jesus could have lived in the 2000’s and why I regard him as groundbreaking. I see him…

⇒ 1. As a refugee

Nobody wanted to accommodate Joseph and his pregnant wife, Mary. The story says that they eventually find shelter in a house in Bethlehem. Later on, according to the Gospel of Matthew, Joseph is warned that King Herod intends to slaughter the infants, in order to kill the child representing a threat to his throne. So Joseph seeks a safe place to protect his family. Egypt is an obvious destination, as it is outside the Dominions of King Herod. This is how Jesus and his family became refugees in Egypt. Today, 60 million migrants are driven out of their home because of violence and mass murder in Syria and Iraq.

⇒ 2. As poor and tackling the rich

Jesus may be from royal descent, the man was born in a modest home and his statements on wealthy persons are revolutionary. He claims that it is easier for a camel to slip through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. When he meets an affluent young would-be disciple, he asks him to give away his possessions to the needy, knowing that he will not be able to do so. There has never been so many billionnaires in the world today. They are 1,826 and worth $ 7.05 trillion. In spite of global economic crisis, the rich are getting richer. According to the State of Food in the World 2015, 795 million people are starving and almost one billion people are living in extreme poverty.

⇒ 3. As a feminist

Women’s rights are just non-existent, 2000 years ago. Nonetheless, women are very present by Jesus’ sides, from what the Gospels say. Women are listening to his teachings. Some of them are low-lifes but he takes them in respect, like Mary Magdalene who will be the first one to witness his resurrection, or the adulteress who was to be stoned to death. Today, one third of all women worldwide are experiencing violence. Although they represent half of the world, they make up only 22% of parliamentarians.

⇒ 4. As a pacifist

In the Sermont on the Mount, Jesus is clearly declaring that peacemakers are to be called children of God and that you should offer your cheek to whoever slaps you. When he is arrested on the Mount of the Olives, he prevents one of his followers from using violence, for “all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” Forgiveness is indeed the core principle of Christianity, as it is also a central message in Buddhism or Hinduism. Modern figures like Gandhi or Martin Luther King are advocates of non-violence. Was Jesus an anarchist? Some believe so. Christian anarchists declare they are not submitted to the state authority as it is violent and deceitful.

⇒ 5. As the ultimate rebel

If Jesus was living today, he would surely be considered as subversive. Although gentle and absolutely non-violent, Jesus demonstrated more than once that he had a problem with the establishment. In fact, his positions seemed sometimes bivalent, as he strongly supports the respect for the authorities and especially the honor that is due to the parents. On the other hand, he chases away merchants making business in the synagogues, flays the rich and issues flaming statements about the influential spheres of his time: religious and political leaders. Jesus actually thought and preached that love could solve all problems. This is what I call today a highly subversive message. Wouldn’t you think so?

Christmas: still waiting for a miracle…


From “Stories For Somebody’s Darlings” (London & Glasgow, Collins Clear Type Press 1905)

I am not saying that I hate Christmas. It is just that maybe I am expecting more than the day does really bring. I always was. We have all been brought with this crazy idea that Christmas was a miraculous day. And I am not even hinting at the white bearded guy and his reindeer silhouetted against the moon. When I was a little girl, I was told that all wars miraculously stopped all over the world and that this was the time for sharing and rejoicing. Sometimes I would even make it the the Midnight Mass with my grandmother. The church was decked out with a fragrant Christmas tree and a giant manger. In the end, I was left with a peaceful feeling and a desire to start all over again.

I do not know who got us into this idea that Christmas was a must-be-happy and must-be-nice day. We are wishing “merry Christmas”, implying that this day is meant be a joyful one but what does this really mean? How much are we getting involved by saying “merry Christmas”? Not much, are we? Are good feelings and an overall self-satisfaction enough to capture the essence of the day?

I am rather bothered with the material aspect wrapping up the event. It looks like there is a traditional tyranny. Not celebrating Christmas makes you look as a social outcast. “Whaaaat? You’re not putting up a Christmas tree? And you’re not offering presents to each other? Oh, that’s so sad.” It’s not that I am an unconditional fan of the Grinch, it’s just that I cannot grasp the spirit of Christmas considering food excesses and hunt for presents.

From a christian point of view -which I am sure is perfectly legitimate-, Christmas celebrates the birth of a gifted child. The Son of God Himself had a mission to save a decadent humanity from eternal doom. Which He will eventually carry out by dying on a cross. From what we know from the gospels, Jesus was subversive, hanging out with prostitutes, lowlife, sick and poor people.  And when a rich would-be disciple tells him that he has done all the law ordered him to do to deserve Heaven, Jesus asks the only one thing he knows the young man will not be able to give up: his dough. Furthermore, Jesus pointed out that it is harder for a rich to enter the kingdom of Heaven than it is for a camel to slip through the eye of a needle. Materialism was never a means to reach Heaven. On the contrary, it seems that money was rather much of a nuisance.

My late grandmother who was born in the early 1900’s, used to tell me that she usually did not get anything for Christmas, except for an orange sometimes, which was considered as an exotic fruit back then. The children were just happy with the excitement brought by the day. With the rise of mercantilism, the simple magic of the celebration must have vanished into thin air. Or so it seems to me.

I do not want nor expect Christmas gifts. I just cannot figure out why people are making presents that are most of the time unwanted. Besides, many gifts will end up being sold online, or re-gifted for other purposes. Happiness cannot be bought or given, unbridled consumerism is consuming us. Desperately waiting for Christmas to unwrap some miracles…