Another world

So, hate, contempt, ignorance, racism, xenophobia and such are now generally accepted and politically correct opinions. This is the kind of world we are now living in, I suppose. And all I have been taught at school or at church was nothing but a pipe dream. Is success incompatible with compassion and respect?

What is wrong with humanity? What can’t we think of ourselves in terms of inclusiveness? I listened to Hilary Clinton’s concession speech and could not help but get emotional. I thought that she sounded thoroughly softhearted and genuine. She delivered a well-proportioned message nourished with class, tolerance and benevolence. I was particularly touched by her humbleness and wisdom: “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power.” When Donald Trump raises truculence, cynicisn and profanity to some kinds of twisted values, she proves that intelligence is stepping off in style.

I was really looking forward to witnessing the first female president of the United States. What a powerful message it would have been for all women who in many countries are still considered as second class citizens… And to all of the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams”, she said.

“The world won’t get no better, we gotta change it”. So the lyrics of Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes’ song go. I still find myself dreaming of a better world where each one has a place, where everyone owes respect to others, where tolerance is a moral duty.

But not this time. Not yet.

It takes faith to respect other faiths

When the doorbell rang, I have often felt like I should not have opened that door. Especially when Jehovah’s Witnesses are behind the door, giving me that fake grin. After all, I did not feel like chatting at this very moment and how in the world can you discuss with individuals that are convinced to hold the one and only truth? Lest they did not specify it, I would not have known that there was only one religion and that all the other ones were wrong. Now wait a minute! Do not tell me that there are other religions on Earth believing that the other ones are mistaken and must be wiped out…

Soul mood

If faith was based upon the attitude of some so-called Christians, their belief would look like a puff of steam meant to disappear into thin air. Some bigots and diehards show neither compassion nor humanity. Their judgement is harsh, ruthless and worth of all, deceitful.

Does God acknowledge paternity of those lost children? Who would be in position to judge anyway? And what is this religious jumble favoring proper attire and tradition at the expense of kindness and tolerance? What binds us is precisely our humanity, our sensitivity and our ability to empathize.

If religion takes us away from our fellow being, it alienates us, and religion is therefore not what it claims to be, namely a relationship between man and deity. Which should be translated by “pure love”. Religion brings us together, as indicated by its Latin etymology “religare” (“to link”). As a consequence, those that divide us, those who ostracize us because of our facade, our culture or our philosophical orientation do not practice religion.

Faith is no garment that we take off and swap depending on circumstances. Faith is unveiling our soul. It is where we find the best of ourselves or the worst … Our merit is reflected in our ability to spread love, as transit passengers on Earth.

In need of humanity

“Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! Now let us fight to fulfil that promise! Let us fight to free the world – to do away with national barriers – to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men’s happiness. Soldiers! in the name of democracy, let us all unite!”

Sometimes, I want to listen in a loop this speech of a visionary and deeply humanist artist. Every word is still so present, so relevant. This speech still manages to bring shivers down my spine. I hope this will remain on YouTube in spite of copyright issues. Because this is way beyond copyright matters. This is an open source plea for a more humane world and an apologia of freedom. And we’re desperately in need of this today. Still.

Tolerate everything but the intolerable…

A month after the attack against satirical newspaper “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris, our thought system is still experiencing turmoil. Some are even now wondering if tolerance does not end when intolerance starts. And by the way, when does blasphemy begin and when does tolerance come to an end? The idea that a certain form of censorship might be necessary in order not to offend the susceptibilities, is gradually making its way. Let’s put it this way. Tackling this possibility is like compelling a bird to stop its flight over borders.
Can we tolerate everything, putting aside all that is intolerable?
If freedom of expression has to be kept on leash when it comes to religion, why not strap down more freedoms? Freedom of expression might be tricky and therefore restrained in thorny subjects as politics (after all, the authorities must be respected), marketing (many jobs are covoltaire-quotes-sayings-wisdom-deep-men-freedomncerned and economic growth is involved), etc. There are many sensitive topics prone to offending different people. So if religion is sacred to some, freedom of expression is sacred to others.
However if my freedom can not tolerate limitations, it can quickly become invasive and ironically restrict that of others. As common sense goes, your freedom ends where my nose begins. Should we then avoid laughing or even hinting at religion, just because we may be infringing on the freedom of our neighbor? Is faith rooted in the individual, to such an extent that we can not talk about it without wounding man?
Since the mists of time, spirituality has been linked to humanity. The monolithic thinking from ancient times has gradually given way to a proliferation of ideologies. Today, man has forged his own personal religion. Or not. Religion has become the mirror of society: individual, chosen, adapted, mixed. But for some, spirituality is anchored to their identity. Without values and benchmarks, some are clinging to spirituality as to a life buoy. Meanwhile, sharks are prowling
Removing “spiritual” from spirituality (or removing “religious” from religion), is barking up at the wrong tree. Believing that one speaks on behalf of God and holds the truth, is not freedom of expression. It’s obscurantism. Hatred is not a form of expression. It is a form of extinction. If freedom of expression is endangered, man is the only species in the world to saw off the branch on which he is sitting. And speaking of nature… Recent US researches have proven that nature, art and spirituality are natural anti-inflammatory remedies. Now isn’t this foolish to cut off that branch