
The joker is in town

American bald Aigle : Clipart vectoriel


I am not American, I have nevertheless lived in Florida for a full year as an exchange high school  student, quite a long time ago  and have spent my holidays on US ground for at least 15 years in a row, for leisure purpose. Which -bits by bits- could probably be turned into a time span of a year to a year and a half. I have always been fond of this country, although I do not always support the global views, political options or social trends. I like the US for the boldness, the innovative mind, the bravery, the reach-for-the-stars spirit and the stunning landscapes.

These past months, I have been a little dumbstruck and a little worried, thinking about the presidential race. I should care less, I am not directly concerned. However I am sure it will have an impact on the state of the world, hence on my life. Yesterday, I caught myself googling: what if Donald Trump was president and I was bowled over. There were actually 172 millions results! I did not think that the question was THAT crucial.

Browsing, I came across a funny article in the Telegraph advising Americans on where they should move if Trump was elected. I giggled when I read that people from DC should move to Brussels because bureaucracy rules and Queen Mathilde at 43 is the most conservatively-dressed member of any European monarchy. Besides, Brussels has the best restaurants, chocolate, beers and art collections. The Telegraph has undoubtedly a point.

What strikes me most is that this guy can actually be taken seriously. Like he could really really build a wall between Mexico and the United States. I mean both countries are sharing a 2,000 miles border. Oh OK, it does not need to run all the way through, Trump clarified, because of natural barriers. So that would be half, only 1,000 miles. Besides, the Republican candidate promised he was going to force the Mexicans to erect it. Suppose the Mexicans are laying concrete, standing on the American side. Oops, there you go! More illegal migrants… And wait! An article from the National Memo (a bit outdated but still provides a valuable insight) points out that Trump’s plan is airy, based upon an engineer’s study. The wall would hold over three times the amount of concrete needed to build Hoover Dam. It would even be greater than the six pyramids of Giza. It would be like a one-lane paved road from New York to Los Angeles.

Not to mention his deep misogyny, his racist remarks, his unrealistic economic visions, his hatemonger attitude… Trump has never been so isolated. Iconic actor Robert De Niro has recently been very virulent toward Trump and the Terminator himself, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has deserted him. Donald Trump is without a doubt the wild card of this election. But there is no gambling with the world. Or is there?

Driving Miss Norma: what a lesson

A 90 year old woman finds out that she has cancer and that she’ll eventually undergo heavy treatments but Norma chooses to hit the road instead. She decides to live every moment to the fullest. On her American road trip, she tastes the flavors of life. Norma is giving us a powerful life lesson and setting the record straight. The important – that is peace of mind – is not achieved through what society is selling us ; it is achieved through our own ability to enjoy the passage of time. Driving Miss Norma